RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

Warm welcome to the Children of Sderot in Boston
Posted on August 7, 2024

Sderot 2024 With your generosity and support, we successfully hosted 20 kids from Sderot this summer. Their time provided a needed reprieve since the nightmare of October 7th and the continued difficulties as they hear and see all the action being 1 km from the Gaza border.

Read the Jewish Journal’s feature on the Camp Boston Sderot project and this summer’s unbelievable work.  All possible because of the tireless RJCF volunteers and alumni volunteer counselors. 

They attended Camp RSM as a group of 1 counselor, 5 CITs, 4 CHs, 8 oldest kids and 2 campers. Camp was a transformative experience for Sderot kids and American campers alike. 

For the Sderot kids, they had the chance to breathe for the first time in over 9 months and see a version of themselves outside of war, even if just for two weeks. They laughed freely, built friendships for a lifetime and restored a semblance of a childhood that they have been robbed of. 

During Camp RSM, they bravely shared their unimaginably difficult, personal accounts on October 7th. The American campers' eyes were opened by their Israeli peers, as they heard headlines come to life from kids their age. They connected with real Israelis with real experiences and strengthened their own Jewish identity along the way. Read the reflections directly from the Sderot campers here

Read a heartfelt thank you from one of the mothers of a Sderot camper and mothers of Camp RSM campers here

Their time in the US was only possible due to the dedicated and generous alumni volunteer counselors who hosted and organized a Boston weekend before camp. Together, alumni volunteer counselors and Sderot kids watched 4th of July fireworks, shared a Shabbat meal, experienced a Boston Duck Tour, explored the city and a Hibachi dinner. After camp, the Sderot kids traveled to NYC where they saw the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and so much more. Once again, only possible with your generous support and the time of alumni volunteer counselors. Read more here and watch the highlights

Thank you to our community for supporting this incredible project and pulling off a big mitzvah this summer. The butterfly effect of this summer will continue for years to come. 

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