RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

The Winners of the ART Competition 2016
Posted on April 18, 2016

Art Competition Russian Jewish Community Foundation had sponsored an Art Competition for children and young adults grades K-12.

Theme: Jewish Life or What being Jewish means to me.

We are proud to announce the winners in two categories, 7-10 years old and 11-16 years old.


Gold: Eden Taieb, 8

Eden Taieb

Gold: Claire Lantstman, 11
Claire Lantstman

Silver: Leila Magitsky, 7

Leila Magitsky

Claire Lantstman, 11
Claire Lantstman


The winners in 7-10 years old category are:

Eden Taieb, 8, Gold
Leila Magitsky, 7, Silver
Tess Ostrer, 7, Honorable Mention
Emilia Russo, 7, Honorable Mention
Lielle Rifkin, 7,  Certificate of Recognition
Karina Polnarev, 8, Certificate of Recognition

The winners in 11-16 years old category are:

Claire Lantstman, 11, Gold
Claire Lantstman, 11, Silver
Julia Vorobeichik, 16, Honorable Mention
Brandon Rubinstein, 11, Certificate of Recognition


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