RJCF - Mission Statement

 Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a non-profit organization created for charitable purposes by Russian speaking Jewish immigrants from the former USSR now residing in Massachusetts. The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance the Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

The corporation's purpose is to support educational, literary, cultural, and charitable causes among the Russian speaking Jewish community of Massachusetts and anywhere in the world and to make distributions for such purposes and to such entities that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.


The mission of RJCF is to preserve and enhance the Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews by:

a) ensuring a sense of unity and belonging among all Jews by building a community
b) supporting and encouraging the development of Jewish identity through Jewish education, especially among adolescents and young adults
c) facilitating further integration of Russian speaking Jews into the local Jewish community and the greater American society
d) supporting the essential needs of the diverse Russian speaking Jewish community
e) supporting Israel
f) raising and distributing funds to support all above activities


RJCF will conduct fundraising activities to raise money for different causes among the Russian speaking Jewish Community of Massachusetts, and to support Israel . RJCF will be governed by a Board of Directors comprised of donors and volunteers. The Board will oversee fundraising activities and allocation of funds.


1. RJCF requires that funded programs support the realization of the Foundation's mission.
2. RJCF will consider new and innovative programs, as well as existing programs.
3. RJCF will consider proposals from agencies and grassroots Jewish organizations on an equal basis.
4. RJCF encourages collaborative proposals and matching funds.

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