RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

Sderot has arrived to Camp RSM
Posted on July 8, 2024

With your help, we geared up for the balagan of 20 Sderot kids arriving at Logan on the 4th of July.

Special thanks to our dedicated Boston hosts Dita Berline, KK Ulanovsky, Ben Gribov, Yasha Shapiro, Laura Agarkov, Lana Rifkin and Yudit for housing, feeding and entertaining the kids for 3 nights and 4 days. We watched fireworks together, shared a Shabbat, experienced a Boston Duck Tour, explored the city and had a Hibachi dinner thanks to all of you!

Shout out to Abby Avin, Liza Belenky, Anne Genzelov, Bella Berline & Liz Zhorov who helped drive everyone to camp yesterday. The community at-large came together to donate sleeping bags, bedding, towels and our alumni, Sasha Tokar, organized rain boot donations for all. 

We’re running out of ways to say thank you! It means the world that we have this community to carry a big idea into reality. We feel lucky to be a part of it with you. 

These two weeks will inspire the next decade of future volunteers and elevate a new generation of 20 leaders from Sderot. It’s already begun. 


Watch a short video as Noa Okanin, a counselor this year, marks 9 months since October 7th in front of the entire camp, with prayers led by Ori Maimon, a CIT.



It’s hard to imagine that in 2007, any of the first kids would have stood up in front of 150 people to say anything on the 1st day. 17 years later, we have 1 counselor, 5 CITs, 4 CHs, 8 oldest kids and 2 campers lining up for meals, preparing for skit nights and speaking English. 

This community is a marvel to both American Jews and Israelis alike. There is something magical that makes it possible. 

In reality, you are the magic. Thank you for being the altruistic people that you are, who see life outside of themselves and feel an urge to improve the lives of future generations, all while staying connected to our shared Sderot cause. 


See how far your donations go by tuning in to the Camp Boston Sderot Instagram & Camp RSM Facebook.

Thanks to Dita Berline, Liz Zhorov & Ben Gribov capturing it all on the ground. 

If you'd like to sponsor an activity in NYC, donate here or contact Yudit.


Toda roba, 

Laurie & Yudit 


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