RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

Israeli & American Families Share Deep Gratitude for Sderot presence at Camp RSM 2024
Posted on August 7, 2024


From Nitzal Gal Nackan, mom to Sderot camper:

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Rifkin family and the members of the Boston Jewish community for the amazing opportunity you provided to our son Ido and the other children of Sderot to participate in the Camp RSM summer camp.

Ido, 17, along with his friends from Sderot, had an unforgettable experience from start to finish. From the warm and heartfelt hospitality with the families in Boston, through two weeks filled with fascinating activities and shared experiences at the summer camp, to the magnificent trip to New York.

During the stay at the camp, Ido had the opportunity to tell and share with the camp participants about life in Sderot and what the residents have gone through since October 7th. This was an important opportunity not only for him but also for all the camp participants, who got to know and understand the complex reality in Sderot.

The two weeks at the summer camp and the trip to New York provided Ido and the other children not only with unforgettable experiences but also with a sense of support and security from the Boston Jewish community. It was a period full of joy, learning, and bonding, which changed the lives of the children and gave them precious memories for life. This experience will be significant for Ido in his future life.

We also want to thank Sveta Shitrit, who accompanies and cares for the children in Sderot all year round, and Yudit, who welcomed them in the United States and took care of them at all times. Thank you to all the camp staff who gave everything for their benefit and greatly contributed to the success of the experience.

We appreciate the long-standing relationship that has been built thanks to the summer camps held in Israel, and the investment and dedication of the Boston Jewish community over the years. These camps not only provided unforgettable experiences for the children but also strengthened the connection between the communities and deepened the understanding and friendship between them.

Strengthening the connection between the Boston Jewish community and the community in Sderot is of great value. The support, care, and strong bond built over the years greatly benefit both communities and serve as a wonderful example of solidarity and partnership between the Boston community and the Sderot community in Israel.

We have a warm and loving place in our hearts for the Boston Jewish community. We would be delighted to host and meet in Sderot and maintain a warm and close connection in the future as well.

A huge thank you to the Rifkin family and all the community members who made all of this possible. Your hearts are big, and your generosity touched us deeply. We hope for the end of the war and for peace that will bring hope and calm to the entire region.

With great appreciation,

Nackan family

Another camper’s mom:

“...And a special thank you for the theme of the serious night this year. Hearing the stories about life in cross-fire and the events of October 7th from kids their age made such an impression! It is important more than ever to stand with Israel, and the message of the night says it loud and clear.”

Another camper’s mom:

“My older daughter was particularly amazed by the Sderot kids, their beauty inside and out, and kindness. She shared a 'serious night' experience, which left her shocked after hearing firsthand accounts of horrible attacks and witnessing the PTSD her new friends endured. We often try to shield our kids from bad news, but my daughters' eyes widened in shock when we entered the camp and saw lawn signs that read 'kidnapped.' Learning about October 7th from those kids allowed them to form their own conclusions and decide who is right.”

From a 1st year camper’s mom:

“We would like to express our gratitude for Mrs. Rifkin’s vision and enormous efforts in helping raise our kids with a strong sense of Jewish identity…Hosting kids from Sderot not only was very generous, but allowed all kids a very unique and important experience...”

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