Attachment to RJCF Grant Application
Sample Program Budget
You may find this example useful in preparing your program budget. This example is to help you prepare a budget only. It does not indicate anything about the RJCF Committee's funding interests. The numbers in this budget are not real.
(Staff costs are just for your grant program, including fringe benefits or payroll taxes. Do not include any part of regular budgeted salaries or fringe for existing staff positions. Please give job title and the rate of pay.)
Youth worker/counselor 8 hrs/week @ $12/hour, 12 weeks
plus two day-long field trips @ $80 each $1,312
Program Director, Jewish educator, 6 hrs/wk, 14 wks @ $20/hr
Food ($25/wk for 12 weeks) $300
Publicity (for recruiting, final event) $250
Printing and postage $150
Supplies and materials $240
Other expense (describe) Travel - van rental, gas, expenses
for field
Trips to Ellis Island and one other (kids' choice) $500
Total Program Expenses $4,432
RJCF grant (amount you are requesting) $2000
Your organization's cash contribution to the program $1,032
Projected program fees, if any $400
(Projected number of participants 20 )
Other income or grants (describe) Cohen Family Foundation
Grant $1,000
Total Program Income $4,432