GUIDELINES for Applicants for Russian Jewish Community
Foundation (RJCF) Grants
Any community-based Russian Jewish group or organization with
registered non-profit and tax-exempt status (or with a fiscal
agent that has registered non-profit and tax-exempt status)
may seek funding for programs/projects that address RJCF's
The mission of RJCF is to preserve and enhance the Jewish
identity among Russian Jews by:
a) ensuring a sense of unity and belonging among all Jews
by building a Community
b) supporting and encouraging the development of Jewish identity
through Jewish education, especially among adolescents and
young adults
c) facilitating further integration of Russian Jews into the
local Jewish community and the greater American society
d) supporting the essential needs of the diverse Russian Jewish
e) supporting Israel
f) raising and distributing funds to support all above activities
Allocation Principles
1. RJCF requires that funded programs and projects support the realization of the Foundation's mission.
2. RJCF will consider new and innovative programs and projects, as well as existing programs and projects.
3. RJCF will consider proposals from agencies and grassroots Jewish organizations on an equal basis.
4. RJCF encourages collaborative proposals and matching funds.
Application Instructions
* After you submit an application, please make sure that a contact person is available to discuss your program or project.
* All applications must state clearly how the program/project addresses RJCF's mission statement.
* The application should describe how the applicant organization(s) will implement the proposed program/project, achieve its (or their) goals, market and publicize the program/project, and evaluate its success or failure.
* Applications that exceed any of the length limits will not be accepted: 250 words for the proposal summary, two pages for the full proposal, one page for the budget, and 150 words for the budget justification.
* If you received funds from RJCF in the past three years, you must attach a report about the latest project for which you received the funds from RJCF, including full accounting for money granted to that project. Your application will NOT be reviewed without such a report.
* Directions for how to submit your application are on the front page of the Application form.
Accountability of Organizations that Receive RJCF Grants
a. Each applicant must designate a contact person to answer questions about their application. The contact person, or an individual whom the contact person designates, will be responsible for implementing and evaluating the program/project and for staying in touch with the RJCF Committee member who will be appointed as a "liaison" to their program/project.
b. RJCF shall be mentioned in all publicity for the program/project.
c. Each organization that receives a grant must submit a RJCF Program Evaluation within a month of the completion of the program/project or no later than the end of the program/project year (one year from the time funds are received).