RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

Letter from our IDF soldier: Evgeni Lukovski (Summer 2020)
Posted on March 20, 2021

Summer 2020

Dear Friends at Zionist House & RJCF,

The next school year has passed. Time flies very quickly. This time, I do not have as many changes in my life as it was in the
previous year. I study at the same "Sapir" college, I work in the same place as before in the "Sokhnut" absorption center as a
security guard.

As for study, this year was the most successful in terms of grades! I am very glad that every year my grades are getting better and
better. I am studying industrial management and six months ago we had to choose one of 4 management tracks: information
systems, production, biotechnology or agriculture. I chose the biotechnology, because is the most interesting direction for me,
although it's not the most popular. Most of all I liked the laboratory work in chemistry and biology. I really liked to study
microorganisms and observe various chemical reactions.

I still live in the same city, Ashkelon, but I moved to another apartment with my girlfriend Marina. We rent a two-room
apartment. The apartment is not much worse than the previous one, but the building itself is newer and finally I have an elevator
instead of lots of stairs! Before that, I always rented apartments on the top floor without an elevator.

As for volunteering, there are no big changes in it, I’m still in the same organization “Perach” in which each volunteer receives a
student whom he will help with school for a year and spend free time with him. This year I got another pupil. His name is
Herman, he is 11 years old, and is a student of grade 5. We have the same program, the first hour I help him with homework, and
in the second hour we walk or play all sorts of interactive games. Herman has some difficulties with English. More precisely, he
does not know it at all. I began to teach it from the very basics, starting with the ABC, although my English is far from the best,
yet I manage to teach Herman new words. It is very nice to see his achievements and understand that this is my school too.

Once again, I want to express my gratitude for your economic assistance and thank you very much. You make my student life
easier and I am very grateful to you for that.

Warm regards,
Evgeni Lukovski


Me with Herman in the park


Me in the chemistry lab


Me (left) preparing for an exam with my friend

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