RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

Ceramics Program in Sderot Community Club
Posted on December 22, 2009

One of the exciting new programs, which is up and running in the Sderot Community Club, is the Ceramics Program devised and run under the leadership of a Boston ceramics artist, [url=http://www.jrtelegraph.com/2009/06/sasha-raiz-at-the-art-in-the-park-festival-in-decordova-museum.html]Sasha Raiz[/url].

The ceramics process for making, a vase, for example, involves making the vase, drying it, and then putting it through the first firing, called the bisque firing. Then one glazes their vase, and it is put through the second firing, called the glaze firing. The object is ready after the glaze firing. Sasha Raiz described the feeling of seeing your ready project after it has been taken out of the kiln (special oven for ceramics) as an indescribable feeling. Raiz said, "When you open your kiln, it's this childish feeling that overtakes you. You don't know what you'll get."

The new teacher of the Ceramics program, Katja Kalmanovskaya, is a graduate of the prominent Mukhinskaya Institute. Katja is very pleased with our children in Sderot and said that many of them are extremely talented. Sasha happily explained that the children are so excited and involved, because the teacher is so amazing, loves to teach, and adores children.
Sasha explained that ceramics have a very therapeutic effect, and is wonderful for the children in Sderot. "I have a feeling that we're doing something very positive," said Sasha.

The Sderot Community Club expects to open another ceramics class for adults and a third children's class, and by spring, the Club hopes to get three wheels for wheel-throwing.

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