RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

Math Program in Sderot Community Club
Posted on December 27, 2009

The Mathematics Program in the Sderot Community Club, under the leadership of Irina Khavinson of the Russian School of Mathematics, has grown. There are now four math groups. Khavinson explains that the main goal of the mathematics program is to teach the children to love math and to see how interesting it is. A good sign of the program's success is that not one of the participating children has dropped out. A new feature that the Mathematics Program hopes to introduce is a homework help program. A few older boys, who had excelled in math during the RJCF winter camp, will volunteer with homework help. Khavinson said that she thinks this a great new initiative, which will benefit both the younger children, as well as the tutors.

Picture Above: Irina Khavinson featured with counselors at last year's winter camp.