RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

Video from Sderot
Posted on June 24, 2024

Watch Natasha Panaitov’s brief reflections on over 15 years of our Boston Sderot Project and the magnitude of its impact on the rising generations in Sderot. 

In just a few days, 20 kids from Sderot are arriving in Boston for 2 weeks at Camp RSM. Not only will we bring the largest group of Sderot kids to Camp RSM to-date, but we are doing something much bigger than 20 kids. We will make a surefire impact on 130+ campers at Camp RSM, who will learn their stories and understand their life in Sderot in ways most Israelis can’t even understand. It’s our hope that American Camp RSM campers can continue a beautiful ripple effect, sharing their experience with the Sderot kids with their circles and hopefully build a long line of future volunteer counselors.

Our alumni counselors are hosting the 20 kids before camp in Boston, organizing activities and holding shabbat dinners. Our NYC community will do the same for their days after camp, where the kids will see the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and more.

We need your help to reach our fundraising goal of $100K.

With your generous support, we can support more kids in Sderot who did not have the opportunity to come to the US later in the summer. Sveta Panaitov, Director of the Boston Sderot Center in Sderot, will be organizing local trips, taking the kids to teens seminars organized by KKL. They lead youth camping, amusement parks, Jerusalem getaways and possibly overnight camping trips to safer places outside of Sderot.

Camp Boston Sderot operates based on volunteers aged 17 - 23 generous with their time, support and long-standing relationships with the Sderot kids. Let’s support our ambitious, young leaders in making the largest, longest lasting impact to date. Let’s do this together!

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