RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

Boston-Sderot Camp – Summer Camp for the Children of Sderot
Posted on May 23, 2024

This summer, we plan to bring 20 kids from Sderot for a 2-week session at Camp RSM here in the U.S.

As many of you know, Camp Boston Sderot in Israel will not be happening this year due to the security situation and ongoing conflict in Israel. After catering to our beloved community for over 15 years we knew we couldn't let this year pass without doing something.

We are grateful to collaborate with Camp RSM this summer, who will open their arms to 20 campers from Sderot, Israel. Each year over 70+ children attend our camp in Israel, so in order to narrow down our selection the children participated in a multi-step application process.

The prospective applicants (children from Sderot), ranging in ages 13-18 all submitted a video recording of themselves answering questions in English, engaged in an interview with a member from the Boston Community, and completed a psychologist evaluation. We received an overwhelming amount of applications, and were devastated to not be able to bring everyone. The kids who were selected were chosen based on their commitment and dedication to the camp over the years, their involvement and volunteering at the local community center, and their English skills.

Girls: Liel Abayev (13) , Liora Digilov (16) , Eliyah Okanin (16) , Orel Shoshani (15) , Yael Yakovlev (16), Noah Kalimi (16), Romi Ohana (16), Inbar Chen (17), Tair Shitrit (17), Noa Okanin (18). 

Boys: Boris Bisryaev (14), Roi Avekasis (14), Arad Kdoshim (16), Natanel Podobayev (16), Ido Nakan (17), Ori Maimon (17), Valeri Ifrayimov (17), Dan Bodea (17). Arsen Ismakov (17), Yuval Ifrayimov (17). 

We are so excited to have our 10 girls and 10 boys arriving for Camp RSM's second session from July 7th- July 20th. During their time at camp, the kids will truly experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

First and foremost, they will get a few weeks of true peace and stability, a feeling they haven't felt in years, or for some ever. As all of these kids are now back in Sderot, they are still under daily stress and pressure of rockets or other escalations.

Coming to camp is providing them with a quick safe-haven/getaway. They will engage in daily sports that they have never been exposed to like American football and lacrosse. They will have ample opportunities to learn a new art of skill: ceramics, painting, photography, and much more! For some, they will see and swim in a lake for the first time in their lives, or even ride in a Kayak! They will also have the opportunity to create a presentation and share their own personal stories and experiences during a "Serious Talk" with the entire camp. But most importantly, they will meet and create life-long friendships that they will cherish for the rest of their lives. They will make connections with same-aged peers across the sea, and learn from each other. 

Meanwhile, as the kids are packing and actively preparing for a trip of a lifetime, our community is focused on making it happen! We are fundraising to cover the cost of their airline tickets, travel and medical insurance, transportation to and from camp, and any other general travel expenses. As always, we need to come together as a community to make this happen, especially this year. Please donate here, to give these kids an opportunity they will never forget!

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