Purim Celebrations in Sderot
Posted on March 16, 2009
Purim in Sderot was eventful and lively, with the children celebrating with various activities and festivities. The children decided to give goodies and desserts, mishloach manot, (traditional sending of gifts of food on Purim to ensure that everyone has enough food for a Purim feast) to soldiers and brought some sweets from home to share with soldiers at an army base. Paratroopers in-training, at the army base, treated the kids to a spectacular show. They were able to observe how soldiers train for parachuting and practice jumping from planes. The kids even got the opportunity to climb into the planes the soldiers train with. The children realized what an amazing chance they were getting and bombarded the soldiers and paratroopers with questions. The children of Sderot's Purim continued with a visit to a dog training center, where amongst many things, they learned what to do if ever attacked by a dog.
Excitement and celebrations did not end upon returning to Sderot, where the children listened to a few words on the meaning of the holiday of Purim, from Chabad rabbi, Rabbi Pizem. Their Purim knowledge was tested with a fun game show prepared and run by Vika Shochat.
A fantastic Purim Play, retelling the story of the evil Haman and how Mordechai helped save the Jewish people from their plight, was performed by the younger children. Afterwards, the older kids helped set up and run a casino game for the younger children.
At the end of the very many games and festivities, there was a barbeque with cotton candy for dessert, and prizes and mishloach manot from Rabbi Pizem.
The next day, the children continued the many mitzvot (good deeds) of the previous day, by visiting an old age home, bringing the joy of Purim to the elderly, who may not have celebrated at all if not for their visitors.
All in all, Purim in Sderot was a sheer success!
Click here to see the photos from the Purim celebration