RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation

RJCF Grants 2009-2010

In June 2009, RJCF Board sent checks to all 2009 Grant Recepients. Here is a description of where the money went.

Programs in Israel:

Friends of IDF: "IMPACT" program (Education for three IDF combat soldiers) [IDF stands for Israel Defense Force]

        Matched by Zionist House

Friends of IDF: "SPIRIT" program (Program is focusing on the personal well-being of Israel's combat battalions and units]

"A Taste of the Holidays" program for Sderot residents

Helping Children of Sderot Fund (Please watch video about Sderot and read Sderot Journal articles)

Programs in the Greater Boston Area:

Jewish Educational and Cultural Center "Makor"

Radio "Jewish Voice" (Dr. P. Polonsky answers questions about Judaism every Friday at 7:40am on 1470 AM radio station) [Please listen it online]

Shaloh House (for Pesach celebration in 2010)

Jewish Community Housing for Elderly - JCHE (for Russian-English Interpreter)

Aleph Club - library (for series of lectures and seminars on Jewish culture and history)

The Jewish Musical Theatre Firelech - to promote and preserve Jewish culture by providing programs that entertain and educate ( YouTube video )

BosFilm (for the project "Yiddish and Jewish")

Aish Boston (for the project "Speakers' series and Shabbatons", providing opportunities for Jews of all backgrounds to discover the wisdom and beauty of their heritage in an atmosphere of open inquiry and mutual respect)