Chicago Connect
Charity "Chicago Connect" is established to support Israel and also organize the fundraiser events to benefit children of Sderot.
"Chicago Connect", the Russian-language newspaper "Reklama" and Reklama Women's Board hold pro-Israel meetings, the fundraising efforts benefiting the children of Sderot, and support the RJCF Boston-Sderot project.
We can not stop the rocket attacks on Sderot, but it is within our power help the children of Sderot to get their childhood back. By donating money towards the project "Children of Sderot", Chicago Connect makes a contribution to Israel prosperity and security.
Children of Chicago to children of Sderot Concert - March, 2016
On March 13, 2016, Charity "Chicago Connect" with the support of the Russian-language newspaper "Reklama" will hold the charitable fair and concert in Chicago dedicated to the Children of Sderot. (Read more)Pro-Israel Community meeting in August 2014
In August 2014, Charity "Chicago Connect" with the support of the Russian-language newspaper "Reklama" and radio New Life, New Horizon and People's Wave held the Community pro-Israel meeting to show the support to Israel and fundraiser to benefit children of Sderot. ( Read more )Children of Chicago to children of Sderot Concert in April 2014
The charitable fair and concert in Chicago was dedicated to the Children of Sderot. The project was a great success, with many participants in both the concert and the fair, and many people and organizations supporting this charitable event. (Read more in Russian)

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This article was published in Reklama in Dec 11-17th, 2014 issue