RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

Gala Discount Tickets
Posted on February 18, 2020

RJCF Gala 2020

RJCF is a grass root, all-volunteer organization. All event organizers are volunteers. Please reserve the Gala tickets early - it makes easier to plan the event.

An early ticket reservation is available at the discount price: $225 per person.

You can also place an ad or a note thanking or congratulating your family and friends at the Gala Tribute Book. You can place 1/4 of a page, 1/2 of a page, a full page [call Inna Keller at (508) 446-4656 for details] or place a short note.

Discounted tickets for students, young adults and Sderot Camp alumni are also available:

  • A ticket for young adults under 26 and Sderot Camp alumni over 26 is $125/person.
  • A ticket for the students and Sderot Camp alumni under 26 is $50 per person.
  • A ticket for this year Sderot Camp counselors is $25 per person.

The full Gala ticket is $250 per person.