Dear Friends,

I’m sure many of you are wondering about the fate of hundreds of families expelled from their homes in the Gaza strip and Northern Samaria. Unfortunately, they have been largely abandoned by the government. It is because of the extremely difficult situation that we find ourselves in that I’m turning to you for help.

My name is Rachel Saperstein. I’m a former Neve Dekalim (Gaza) resident of over 20 years and community activist. You can read more about me and my family, as well as the current situation of Gush Katif evacuees in the Gush Katif Viewpoint section of, the official Gush Katif website.

In the wake of the disengagement I initiated a project aimed at alleviating the plight of our families. OPERATION DIGNITY began after our expulsion from Gush Katif. The people who arrived at the hotels in Jerusalem and Ashkelon came without the barest essentials. Many were in debt and had no funds to draw upon. The kind people of Jerusalem came to help, mostly with cash. But who to give it to? They wanted to be certain the cash went directly to the refugees. And this is what OPERATION DIGNITY did and still does. We give out discrete envelopes with cash to families in need. 

Today OPERATION DIGNITY is a legal amutah or Non-Profit Organization recognized by the Government of Israel. We are in the process of giving aid to those who arrived in Nitzan, a site of close to 500 pre-fabricated homes, as well as newcomers arriving there now. The great majority of our breadwinners are unemployed and have received little or no compensation for their destroyed homes and farms. Many are forced to continue paying mortgages on non-existent homes.

With the holiday of Pesach approaching fast, any help from you and your friends in Israel and abroad is greatly appreciated. Please direct your contributions to:

Central Fund for Israel
Operation Dignity
Rechov Hagoel 13
Efrat, 90435
Central Fund for Israel
attn: Arthur Marcus
Marcus Bros. Textiles
980 Sixth Ave
New York, NY 10018


All donations are US and Israel tax deductible.



Rachel Saperstein

Neve Dekalim / Nitzan