RJCF - Russian Jewish Community Foundation
Russian Jewish Community Foundation (RJCF) is a grassroots all-volunteer charitable organization.
The RJCF mission is to preserve and enhance Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews and to support Israel.

Boston-Sderot 2024 – Sderot camper reflections after attending Camp RSM + photos
Camp Reflections Thank you to our community for supporting this incredible project and pulling off a big mitzvah this summer. The butterfly effect of this summer will continue for years to come. With your generosity and support, we successfully hosted 20 kids from Sderot this summer. Please read their reflections from this experience.

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Israeli & American Families Share Deep Gratitude for Sderot presence at Camp RSM 2024
THANK YOU! Multiple parents expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Rifkin family and the members of the Boston Jewish community for the amazing opportunity you provided to the children of Sderot to participate in the Camp RSM summer camp. Please read their testimonies.

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Warm welcome to the Children of Sderot in Boston
Sderot 2024 With your generosity and support, we successfully hosted 20 kids from Sderot this summer. Their time provided a needed reprieve since the nightmare of October 7th and the continued difficulties as they hear and see all the action being 1 km from the Gaza border. Read the Jewish Journal’s feature on the Camp Boston Sderot project and this summer’s unbelievable work. All possible because of the tireless RJCF volunteers and alumni volunteer counselors. 
They attended Camp RSM as a group of 1 counselor, 5 CITs, 4 CHs, 8 oldest kids and 2 campers. Camp was a transformative experience for Sderot kids and American campers alike.

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Hamas Tunnel The Hamas Tunnel is an immersive exhibit built into a shipping container which was designed in consultation with hostages who returned from Hamas captivity, and Israeli soldiers who were in the tunnels, with audio track from Hamas go-pro recordings from October 7th.
August 18,19, 20
Free Admission
Ticket Required @ Boston City Hall Plaza

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Honoring a Departed Heroine: Tanya Gorlin
Sderot 2024 Dear friends, today we mourn the untimely loss of our great friend and community leader Tanya Gorlin. Tanya was a dedicated and fearless American patriot and a defender of Israel. She was a devoted grandmother, a beloved wife to her husband Andrew and a friend to so many of us.
Tanya grew up in a privileged family in the Soviet Union. Despite this, she courageously chose to challenge the Soviet regime, becoming a refusenik for many years. When she came to America, she and Andrew built a great life for their family. Again, she chose to fight for America and for Israel. I don’t remember a rally for Israel that she did not organize or attend.
I saw Tanya a month ago at the Jerusalem Day in Brookline. Although, she was quite ill, she looked energetic and full of life. It is hard to believe that she is no longer with us...

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Sderot has arrived to Camp RSM
Sderot 2024 With your help, we geared up for the balagan of 20 Sderot kids arriving at Logan on the 4th of July.
Special thanks to our dedicated Boston hosts Dita Berline, KK Ulanovsky, Ben Gribov, Yasha Shapiro, Laura Agarkov, Lana Rifkin and Yudit for housing, feeding and entertaining the kids for 3 nights and 4 days. We watched fireworks together, shared a Shabbat, experienced a Boston Duck Tour, explored the city and had a Hibachi dinner thanks to all of you!

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Video from Sderot
Sderot 2024 In just a few days, 20 kids from Sderot are arriving in Boston for 2 weeks at Camp RSM. Not only will we bring the largest group of Sderot kids to Camp RSM to-date, but we are doing something much bigger than 20 kids.
Watch Natasha Panaitov’s brief reflections on over 15 years of our Boston Sderot Project and the magnitude of its impact on the rising generations in Sderot.

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Boston-Sderot Camp – Summer Camp for the Children of Sderot

Summer Camp

This summer, we plan to bring 20 kids from Sderot for a 2-week session at Camp RSM here in the U.S. 
We received an overwhelming amount of applications, and were devastated to not be able to bring everyone. The kids who were selected were chosen based on their commitment and dedication to the camp over the years, their involvement and volunteering at the local community center, and their English skills.
During their time at camp, the kids will truly experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. First and foremost, they will get a few weeks of true peace and stability, a feeling they haven't felt in years, or for some ever. As all of these kids are now back in Sderot, they are still under daily stress and pressure of rockets or other escalations...

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Celebrating Israel’s Independence Day

Celebrate Israel On Sunday May 19th, RJCF co-sponsored the Israeli American Council's event celebrating Israel's Independence Day. The event was held at Temple Emanuel in Newton and featured stands selling baked goods, apparel, and jewelry by Jewish artists. A band, petting zoo, bubble station, and various games entertained families.

RJCF community members Lielle Rifkin and Leila Magitsky ran an RJCF booth, selling bracelets, keychains, stickers, and yard signs to raise money and awareness for our Sderot project - to bring 20 Sderot children to the US this summer.

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To RJCF from the IDF Alexandroni Unit

Recognition In Honor of Russian Jewish Community Foundation
In recognition of your support during the Iron Swords's conflict, we extend our sincere gratitude for courageous partnership you have graciously bestowed upon us.
With your unwavering generosity, we emerged victorious in safeguarding the northern settlements.

With utmost respect and appreciation,
Soldiers and officers
Palchan Alexandroni

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Camp for Sderot kids 2024

Summer camp for the children of Sderot This summer, we plan to bring 20 kids from Sderot for a 2-week session at RSM Camp (here in the U.S.). We have a rare opportunity to make a BIG impact this year. We need your help to make it possible!
Please DONATE today to help bringing 20 kids from Sderot to America, to provide safe environment and rewarding summer time to kids directly impacted by October 7th terror attack, as well as to strengthen Boston young community to stand with Israel.

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Sending Purim Gifts to Wounded Soldiers

Purim RJCF continues to support Chabad's Terror Victims Project which help victims of terror and war, and their families, throughout Israel. This year, once again, RJCF was proud to sponsor Purim gifts for dozens of soldiers injured in the war with Hamas. It is essential for these heroes to know that they are not alone and that communities in US stand with them.

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